Truthfully that kind of made me laugh because we didn't even know yet if this would be a long term outage. And there's wouldn't be enough power coming from those to run a freezer, which was my biggest immediate concern. Freezers will continue to keep your food frozen for quite a long time if you don't open the doors. But in a long term outage, most food would begin to thaw within 12-18 hours. Requiring cooking up of any meats, and other foods. Canning of vegetables, and tossing out ice cream and popsicles. We have tons of Goat milk in our freezer that wouldn't be good for anything but Cheese or soap. And truthfully, I'm not prepared for the amount of work it would take to salvage/process all of this.
We have had a heat wave lately as well, and it was already over 80 outside at 9am so I knew the house was going to heat up pretty quickly. The Solar panels might power a few fans, but ultimately, we'd have to start living in the basement to keep cool. I had noodles boiling on the {gas} stove in preparation for dinner, which was actually a good thing, because I had contemplated using my electric pressure cooker that morning, and decided against it. But all of this ads heat to the room quite easily.
I also rather enjoyed the fact that within minutes, people were posting on Facebook about the outage from their smart phones with internet contracts. The whole neighborhood was out of power and we still have Facebook. Kind of oxymoronic in a cool sort of way. And I don't discount the usefulness of Facebook in times of emergency either. It was how the city kept in contact with us about the water issues as well, and how I found out the boil order was lifted. Its sort of our latest source for local news and information. And tidbits spread like wildfire, so its really an effective means of checking on everyone and spreading the updates.
I know you are used to very informative updates from me, but this one is just intended to make you think. What would YOU do if you had a long term power outage? Are you prepared to carry on? Would you be able to cook, eat, keep warm/cool? Are there things in your house that could/should be changed replaced to accomodate such a situation? Ie: having a gas rather than electric stove, water heater, etc. etc.
I'll ad more to this topic as time goes on. We can discuss alternate power options, energy efficiency ideas and more. In the meantime, I'm super grateful that my power was only off for 2 hours and 3 minutes. :-) Have a great week!