This is sort of a Show and Tell post so you can see some of the particular areas I'm working on in my yard. I will try to scatter a few more of this type of post in between so you can see the applications of what I am writing about.
Last week, I was digging in a garden box that i had also mulched last year, to see what its looking like underneath. This box had been the vein of my existence for almost the whole time we’ve lived here. When we moved in it was full of Golden Raspberries, but it was so overgrown with grass, that in an attempt to dig out all the grass, we slaughtered most of the Raspberries.
I dug that box out every year for three years, and replaced the soil, with potting soil, and every year it was overtaken again. Last year, after watching the Eden Film, I decided to give it one last try. I covered up the grass with 4 layers of newspaper, and added the 4 inches of mulch, and then planted several starts from my greenhouse in it. The plants did not do so well, (the box is to the far left of the photo) because the soil composition was not good to start with. There was a strange powdery mineral type substance that was surfacing in a few places on the top of the box. This was the only picture I could find of it from last year. But I know the mulching was working its magic on the ground beneath though, because this year, the grass is gone and I found beautiful, dark composted organic material and several worms crawling around.
This is what it looked like when I went out to clean and prep it for this year. There is a tiny bit of grass in the corners, but it came right out.
Look at this rich soil! See the worm in the middle?
I am excited to plant in here again this year. Plus a few of the Raspberries popped up last year on one end of the box, so I will let them take over again, little by little, and let the box go back to being a raspberry patch. Only this time, one without weeds!
I added another couple inches of Mulch and then wrapped a short fence around the base, to discourage my Chickens from digging in there and throwing out all the mulch. We'll see if it worked. :-)
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